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What is ICC?

“Intercultural competence is the ability to develop targeted knowledge, skills and attitudes that lead to visible behaviour and communication that are both effective and appropriate in intercultural interactions” (Deardorff 2006).  It is the intersection of thse knowledge, skills, and attitudes that include various components within navigating salient personality variables, cultural content, and communications skills that lead to effective communication- all in order to create a better understanding of others' worldviews. 














Additional ICC resources can be found here:










Kelly-Weber, E. ,Lueker, E. (2017). Assessing Intercultural Competence in Study Abroad. Middlebury Institute of International Studies. NAFSA Regional Conference 2017 Presenters. 


Deardorff, D. K. (2006) , The Identification and Assessment of Intercultural Competence as a Student Outcome of Internationalization at Institutions of Higher Education in the United States, Journal of Studies in International Education 10:241-266





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